Chief Executive Officer Welcome
Welcome to The Rose Learning Trust. I hope that by looking around the website you will have a sense of the vision and values of our trust. We are a collaborative organisation focussed on high standards and opportunities for all.
As a trust, we seek to support and challenge each other to improve the outcomes and life chances of all our pupils across all our communities. We focus on excellent teaching, innovative and strong curriculums, staff development and a commitment to learn from each other ensuring we transform futures collaboratively. In this way we believe that the changes we make, the developments and strategies we put in place will have purpose, be embedded and be effective.
Our aim at The Rose Learning Trust is to provide all pupils with the best possible start in life within communities of opportunity, positivity and promise.
Jeremy Harris
Chief Executive Officer/Accounting Officer
Chair of Trustees Welcome
Welcome to the Rose Learning Trust.
As you have heard from our Chief Executive Jeremy, we exist to provide all pupils with the best possible start in life. The culture of opportunity, positivity and promise Jeremy references are just as important to our workforce as our children. Through collaboration, expertise sharing and carefully curated support, we empower our educators by providing an environment in which they can thrive.
We believe excellent teaching is the key to unlocking the innate potential of every child. Our colleagues benefit from supported career pathways and structured knowledge and skills sharing between schools. This collaborative approach elevates teaching, learning and leadership at all levels.
We are outwardly focused, understanding our schools are important civic institutions within their communities. We enjoy rich partnerships beyond our organisation, contributing to the wider system for the benefit of all.
This website is a celebration of the wonderful activity taking place across the RLT community, as well as a source of further information on our governance arrangements and performance more generally. Thank you for your interest in our vital work.
Josh Greaves
Chair of Trust Board
About Us
We are a trust founded on a shared belief that the best interests of children should be at the heart of the future of our schools. Our trust grows with schools who share this belief and want to take the necessary steps to ensure that this is at the forefront of our educational futures.
We believe that all children should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Our focus is ensuring that all of our children have the best tools and support to learn and grow in a safe, enjoyable environment. We acknowledge that results are not the full picture. If pupils do not enjoy school or do not gain the life skills to make the most of their qualifications, success might evade them. We aim to provide an environment in which children can develop wholly, not just academically.
We are committed to maintaining the individuality of our academies. We seek to support and challenge each other to improve the outcomes and life chances of all the children across the communities of the trust, whilst respecting the aspects of practice that are distinctive to our individual communities.
Our motivation is sustainable, mutually accountable collaboration and school improvement, focusing predominantly on how this will raise standards of teaching and learning for our pupils. With effective collaboration, good practice and the sharing of resources, we aim to broaden the future opportunities of both our pupils and staff.
Our aim is not only to grow our Multi Academy Trust (MAT) successfully but also sustainably. We believe that through quality, not quantity, we can facilitate opportunities for our trust that can be invested back into the people who will secure our future: pupils and staff.